About NEI
NEI stands for "Neuro-emotional integration" and comes from Eastern medicine where a pill is not prescribed to combat the symptoms, but where the cause of the complaint is sought. NEI assumes that almost every illness, pain or complaint has an emotional origin that can be traced via the subconscious.
How does it work?
All experiences we have had since we were born are stored in our subconscious. Only 5% of these experiences we are aware of. Through the biotensor we can make contact with the subconscious with NEI therapy.
Long talking sessions or reliving traumas are not necessary (it is also called a quick fix), which makes it extremely suitable for children (and babies).
Physical complaints
Physical complaints such as (chronic) stomach pain, intestinal problems, eczema etc. usually have an emotional reason: your body is trying to tell you something that you suppress or do not want to listen to. By means of NEI we can find out what that message is and we can disconnect the emotion so that you are free of complaints again. It is important that you do something with it, because if you do not listen to your body, the complaints can of course come back.
Emotional complaints
Emotional complaints such as depression, numbness, living on autopilot, but also anger and outbursts towards others are part of this. Sometimes you do not know why you experience these feelings, but it can have a cause from, for example, a previous generation, or from a trauma that you experienced as a child. Through NEI we can find the cause of these unwanted feelings and disconnect them, so that you feel good about yourself again.
Behavioral problems
Think of addictions or other patterns that you just can't seem to let go of. Through NEI we can track down what is preventing you from growing and moving forward in your life. We can then disconnect this so that you can handle the behavioral change!